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Oil prices by 10% countries brand selling 300,000 tons of rapeseed oil reservoir     The impact of inflation expectations, the market experienced a "bean" you play, "garlic" you hard, "wine" you mad and then immediately will usher in "oil" you're crazy. To stabilize oil prices skyrocketing, October 20, the National Grain and Oil Trade Center's decision to market to sell 30 million tons of rapeseed oil temporary storage state.
Bulk oil prices rose 30% for three months

It is understood that the brand small package edible oil prices, the full increase soon, price increases of about 10%. Now, as the market leader in edible oil products, Jinlong Yu, Fook Lam Moon, Lu Hua other major brands price rises has been basically established, the supermarket side has received the price adjustment notice. It is reported that the main varieties of arowana second-generation blend oil rate increases about 10%, while the increase rate of soybean oil may exceed 10%; Fortune gains are about 10%; Lu spent 8% peanut oil may raise prices so. As reflected in the retail end of the price adjustment also requires a process, the current round of oil price increase as early as this weekend or early next week may come.

However, the industry points out that if oil prices brand small package transmitted to the terminal may need a little more time, then, the bulk of edible oil has been soaring for a long time. By soybean imports in July rose for March from the impact of small-package edible oil as fuel oil, bulk oil prices rose as high as 30% of the last three months. In early July this year, bulk oil prices in the 7200 yuan / ton, and 10 mid-January, had risen to 9300 yuan / ton. Three months, up 2,000 yuan / ton.

For skyrocketing oil prices, the National Grain and Oil Trade Center decided to sell 30 million tons of rapeseed oil countries to stabilize temporary storage. Some media reported that this is the first time this year, China put on a large scale storage of edible oil to the market. October 20, in Anhui Grain Wholesale Market and the networking market at the temporary storage of edible oil bids State Fair, 299,000 tons of rapeseed oil transactions, an average price of 9181 yuan / ton.

Price of oil far higher than the increase of raw materials

The reasons for the current round of oil price increases, even if there is impetus to prices of raw materials, but not limited to; on the current market performance, its price has exceeded the size of raw materials may be brought about by rising expectations. This reporter learned that excessive dependence on foreign oil, the international food prices and domestic inflation expectations increase, idle or malicious speculation, hedging demand is likely to be oil prices, "Pushing Hands."

In response to recent rapid rise in oil prices in bulk, some analysts to believe that this was mainly due to the uncertain economic situation, a large number of investment funds into the agricultural market.

In addition, we understand that domestic oil production for self-sufficiency can not be, there is a high external dependence, including dependence of foreign oil consumption up to 65%, making the international market oil prices passed to the domestic market. Consultants in the food industry researcher week thinking then that the fundamental reason for oil price increases dependence on foreign raw materials too high, of course, inflation expectations does not rule out the existence of other factors, many factors should be said to be integrated with the performance of the market.

However, further analysis of weeks thinking, weather disasters, China's broad based commodity prices this year, wheat, soybeans, corn and other phenomena of waves of price increases, especially of soybean oil accounted for half of edible oil raw material prices is one of the main factors. China's high dependence on foreign soybean, especially the four major grain merchants in the United States is monopolizing 80% of the soybean imports. The drought, and signs of La Nina weather factors for investors worried about the U.S. soybean production cuts exist, market psychology is expected to call. Therefore, the cost of imports rose to a certain extent pushed the oil prices.

Prices will not affect the sales performance of collective

For Jinlong Yu, Fook Lam Moon, Lu Hua other brands in terms of small-package edible oil giant, collective price if sales of these enterprises will affect it? Senior marketing planner, winning FMCG channel marketing consultant, Senior Adviser Mu Feng pointed out that oil as a necessity, would be affected, but not too much; impact is because there may be consumers from soybean oil, cooking oil dependent on imports of raw materials and corn oil, the oil, rapeseed oil and other price increases turned to the smaller oil. Price of soybean oil and cooking oil is the market leader in oil, so the share will not fall much, there will be some fluctuations. Overall, the oil giant will increase sales, but sales may decline.

Zhou also think however that turns up in the prices of agricultural products in the larger environment, oil prices impact on consumers has been relatively less effort. The essential oil cooking home life as one of the materials, their status can not be replaced, although the price but the market demand is still there, and almost stable, together with Arowana, Fortune took the two brands domestic small package edible oil market more than 50%, from two points, the oil giant's future sales and will not be significantly decreased, with the rise in unit sales, the company's future sales will definitely increase.

Consumers face price increases of edible oil brand will transfer to the terminal of the phenomenon, Zhou thinking then recommends that the current stock of edible oil in many supermarkets there are still temporarily not raise prices, consumers can seize this opportunity to advance purchase; Secondly, although the oil prices spread to soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, etc., but some oil has not been affected, can purchase these oils to be replaced. And for investors, should be a rational view of the edible oil prices, the prices are mainly affected by the international soybean prices, investors should pay close attention to international trends, rational investment.