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To GuaGan heat high or low?

   Many people enjoy eating snacks dried fruit while watching TV, have bite tastes sweet to head and GuaGan, very popular. But delicious in GuaGan easily once edible excessive, many people a is eat 1 catty, citizens will land GuaGan as snack, correspondingly will reduce the amount of staple food meals, patients with diabetes also can eat, more should calculate well replace staple of heat.

   Sweet yam contains quantity of heat low, and rather full abdomen feeling, whether as staple food or fusi, all is one kind of good food reducing weight. Don't think pachyrhizus sweet, consider it high sugar content! Let us see pachyrhizus nutrition forms before a test. Every 100 grams pachyrhizus contained adipose only 0.2 grams, is rice 1/4. So sweet potato is low in calories, low adipose food of outstanding person. In addition, sweet potato still contain balanced nutrients. Such as vitamin A, B and C, cellulose, and potassium, iron, copper and so on more than 10 kinds of trace elements,one of bowel movement cellulose can have good stimulation, the promotion excretion unblocked. Meanwhile, because fiber structure in intestinal cannot be absorbed, have become fat obstructions saccharide special functions. Especially contains rich lysine, and we usually eat rice, flour exact lack lysine. Therefore, nutritionists say sweet potato for nutrition most balanced health food, also is the most ideal and inexpensive food reducing weight.